Francoeur Law Office


Francoeur Law Office is a legal practice founded and led by Laurel Francoeur, a dedicated attorney with a passion for advocating for individuals and families affected by food allergies. The law office specializes in providing comprehensive legal services tailored to the unique needs and challenges of clients dealing with food allergy-related issues.

Located in Massachusetts, Francoeur Law Office serves clients across the country and beyond, offering a range of legal services focused on areas such as:

  1. Food Allergy Law: Francoeur Law Office assists clients in navigating the legal complexities surrounding food allergies, including issues related to allergen labeling, food safety regulations, accommodation rights, discrimination, product liability, and school policies. Whether advocating for individuals with food allergies in legal disputes or providing guidance on preventive measures and risk management, the firm's attorneys offer knowledgeable and compassionate representation.

  2. Disability Rights: Recognizing that severe food allergies can qualify as disabilities under various laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Francoeur Law Office helps clients understand their rights and obligations in different contexts. The firm advocates for reasonable accommodations in schools, workplaces, public accommodations, and other settings to ensure that individuals with food allergies can fully participate and thrive.

  3. Personal Injury: In cases where individuals have suffered harm due to allergic reactions caused by negligence or misconduct, Francoeur Law Office provides legal representation to pursue compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages. The firm diligently investigates each case, building strong legal arguments and advocating fiercely on behalf of clients to achieve favorable outcomes.

  4. Education and Advocacy: Beyond legal representation, Francoeur Law Office is committed to raising awareness about food allergies and promoting greater understanding and inclusivity in society. The firm engages in educational initiatives, public outreach, and advocacy efforts aimed at improving safety standards, increasing access to resources, and fostering a more supportive environment for individuals with food allergies.

Francoeur Law Office distinguishes itself through its client-centered approach, personalized attention, and deep commitment to achieving justice for those affected by food allergies. With a combination of legal expertise, empathy, and advocacy, the firm empowers clients to assert their rights, navigate legal challenges, and safeguard their well-being in a world where food allergies pose significant concerns.


"We fought the good fight and we won and made them change for the better. I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work and support. Laurel thank you for taking on this case and for all of your hard work. You, my friend, are a true rock star!"

– Former Client